
Showing posts with the label important keywords

Class 12 Extra questions English Flamingo Chapter 3 Deep Water by William Douglas

Class 12 Extra questions                    English Flamingo Chapter 3                                                                           Deep Water by William Douglas 1. Q: What initial event led to Douglas's fear of water?    A: Douglas's fear of water began when he was thrown into the deep end of the Y.M.C.A. pool by a bully, nearly causing him to drown.   2. Q: How did Douglas’s early experiences at the beach contribute to his fear?    A: As a child, Douglas had been knocked down by waves at a beach in California, which left him frightened of water. 3. Q: Why did Douglas decide to learn swimming despite his fear?    A: Douglas decided to learn swimming to overcome his debilitating fear and regain confidenc...

Important keywords Class 10 SST CHAPTER I : DEVELOPMENT

  Important keywords Class 10 SST                         CHAPTER I : DEVELOPMENT                        Class 10 SST  CHAPTER I : DEVELOPMENT   1. Development Indicators:    - Per capita income    - Average literacy level    - Health status 2. Human Development:    - Measurement beyond economic factors    - Includes social and environmental aspects    - UNDP's Human Development Index (HDI) 3. World Bank Classification:    - Mainly based on per capita income    - Ignores social indicators    - Limitations: Doesn't capture inequalities 4. Sustainable Development:    - Balances economic, social, and environmental factors    - Ensures needs of present without compromising future generations    - Importance of responsible resource managemen...